The 2023-2024 BoroBlasters FRC team consists of 36 students
working in departments on our Technical division.
428 Team Captain
I’m Alex, and I’m Team 75’s Technical Program VP. My primary responsibility is monitoring productivity on all of the technical departments by making sure they set realistic goals and meet deadlines. This year I’m also Captain of Team 428, our underclassmen team. Team 428 is robot-only, so my job is to make sure that everything goes smoothly during build season. Last year I represented our team as a FIRST Impact presenter along with Grace (Outreach VP), and through this experience I learned so much more about our team while becoming a more confident speaker and leader. I have been part of the PR and Documentation departments in the past, but I’ve found my place on the technical side and am really enjoying learning more about how we design, program, and build our FRC robots.
Technical Departments
This team is responsible for programming the different functions of the robot as well as its fully autonomous mode. They work mainly with Java order to fully utilize our robot's abilities for the competition. Finally, as a lesser function, this department is also in charge of all the team computers and our team's computer network.
Design creates a detailed, virtual model of our robot and any custom parts needed using Autodesk software. This virtual model must be precise and gives our team the ability to calculate dimensions and part capability in a matter of seconds.
Electrical designs, develops, and installs all electrical components of the robot. Working closely with other Technical departments, Electrical makes sure that the control board and various motors, sensors, wires, and the battery are working properly to allow the robot to function.
Mechanical is the primary constructor of the team robot as well as the general maintenance and repair of all robots from current and past seasons. They maintain a large tool shop, keep inventory of all parts, create/build new parts as needed, and educate all team members about how the robot works.
Strategy team members are experts on the rulebook of the game and understand all scoring details inside and out. Using this knowledge they come up with initial strategies for the game, which then informs robot design process. They also manage training of human players, select Drive team members, and perform scouting at all competitions.