FIRST Mid-Atlantic District Championship FIRST Scholarship Winner (Lilia Schell)
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Dean's List Semi-Finalist Award (Jay Taneja)
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Engineering Inspiration AwardÂ
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Woodie Flowers Award: Mr. MacDonald
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Dean's List Semi-Finalist Award (Krish Nambiar)
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Engineering Inspiration AwardÂ
Montgomery FIRST Robotics District Impact Award
FIRST Mid-Atlantic District Championship Dean's List Finalist Award (Shilvi Shah)
Montgomery FIRST Robotics District Engineering Inspiration AwardÂ
FIRST Mid-Atlantic District Bridgewater-Raritan Event Winner
Due to COVID-19, we were unable to participate in any events this year.Â
Due to COVID-19, we were unable to participate in any events this year.Â
Seneca FIRST Robotics District Competition Chairman's Award
Bridgewater-Raritan FIRST Robotics District Gracious Professionalism Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Finalist
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Engineering Inspiration Award
Montgomery FIRST Robotics District Competition Industrial Design Award
Montgomery FIRST Robotics District Competition Champion
MAR District Championship Engineering Inspiration Award
MAR District Donald Bowers Award (Kevin Kelenty)
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Gracious Professionalism Award
Bridgewater-Raritan FIRST Robotics District Competition Quality Award
Bridgewater-Raritan FIRST Robotics District Engineering Inspiration Award
MAR District Championship Engineering Inspiration Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Champion
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Engineering Inspiration Award
Bridgewater-Raritan FIRST Robotics District Competition Chairman's Award
MAR District Championship Gracious Professionalism Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Chairman's Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Person of the Day: Dave Blackburn
Bridgewater-Raritan FIRST District Competition Engineering Inspiration Award
Bridgewater-Raritan FIRST District Competition Safety Person of the Day: James Proske
MAR District Championship Innovation in Control Award Sponsored by Rockwell Automation
Rutgers University FIRST Robotics District Competition Engineering Inspiration Award
Rutgers University FIRST Robotics District Competition UL Industrial Safety Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Chairman's Award
Mt. Olive FIRST Robotics District Competition Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
MAR District Championship Regional Chairman's Award
MAR District Championship FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award
MAR District Championship Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
Johnson & Johnson Global Mentorship Award - Theresa EdwardsÂ
This award is given out yearly to one employee who closely mentors one of the 17 J & J sponsored teams. A panel of Johnson & Johnson Employees from across the world judge candidates based on student-written essays about their outstanding mentors.
NJ Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
VA Motorola Quality Award
VA Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
Championships Autodesk Excellence in Design Award (3D CAD)
NJ Engineering Inspiration Award
VA Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism Award
VA Autodesk Excellence in Design Award
Johnson & Johnson Global Mentorship Award - Carmine Rizzo
This award is given out yearly to one employee who closely mentors one of the 17 J & J sponsored teams. A panel of Johnson & Johnson Employees from across the world judge candidates based on student-written essays about their outstanding mentors.
MD Engineering Inspiration Award
NJ Best Website Award
NJ Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism Award
NJ Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
MD Engineering Inspiration Award
MD Woodie Flowers Award to Carmine Rizzo
NJ KPC & B Entrepreneurship Award
Championships Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism Award
Regional Woodie Flowers Winner - Carmine Rizzo
This award recognizes a mentor who is motivating, a leader, a teacher, and a friend to their students. This mentor challenges students to be determined, passionate, and to learn. Through a student nomination, a student written essay, an exemplary mentor is chosen. Carmine Rizzo won this award at the Chesapeake Regional.
Technology Innovation WeekÂ
Team 75 worked with members of the NJ legislature to get a bill passed recognizing FIRST, science and technology. TIW (Technology Innovation Week) was the result of our cooperation, which marked the week of March as a week dedicated to science and technology statewide. In order to continue recognizing the hard work that all NJ FIRST Regional participants, Team 75 once again worked with our legislatures and successfully got a Ceremonial Resolution passed which was presented at the New Jersey Regional on February 29, 2008.
Ranked 9th at New Jersey Regional
Debuted our outreach program WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) at Hillsborough High School
MD GM Industrial Design Award
MD Regional Champion
MD Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
NJ Autodesk Visualization Award
NJ Regional Chairman's Award
Board of Chosen Freeholders of Somerset CountyÂ
Team 75 received support from the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Somerset County. We held a demonstration at one of their meetings, as well as presented to the Freeholders about FIRST and our team. Our team was recognized for our accomplishments, including winning the 2007 Chesapeake Regional and the 2007 Chairman's Award at the NJ Regional.
Technology Innovation WeekÂ
Team 75 worked with members of the NJ legislature to get a bill passed recognizing science and technology. TIW (Technology Innovation Week) was the result of our cooperation, which marked the week of February 26th through March 3rd of 2007 as a week dedicated to science and technology statewide. In order to continue recognizing the hard work that all NJ FIRST Regional participants, Team 75 once again worked with our legislatures and successfully got a Ceremonial Resolution passed which was presented at the New Jersey Regional on March 1st, 2007.
Placed 47th in FRC Championship Event
MA Autodesk Visualization Award
MA Engineering Inspiration Award
MA Runner-up UL Industrial Safety Award
NJ Engineering Inspiration Award
NJ Autodesk Award for Visualization
Participated in New Jersey and Philadelphia Regionals
LI Autodesk Award for Visualization
NJ Autodesk Award for Visualization
Championships Autodesk Inventor Award
NJ KPC & B Entrepreneurship Award
NJ Motorola Quality Award
NJ Regional Champion
Nationals Division Champion - Curie
NJ Most Photogenic Award
NJ Motorola Quality Award
Nationals Best Play of the Day Award
NJ Best Offensive Round
NJ Motorola Quality Award
NJ Regional Champion
Participated in Johnson and Johnson Mid Atlantic Competition and National Championship in Orlando.Â
Mid-Atlantic Regional Champion
Mid-Atlantic Regional Most Photogenic Award
Team was founded this year.